Somalis and Somalia before Islam

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Islam is a huge part of our lives and we've been blessed by Allah to have found Islam really early because of our blessed location on the Horn of Africa right on both the Gulf of Aden and Arabian sea, not too far from the birthplace of Islam.

But the other day I was reading this NatGeo article ( that said the earliest human fossils were found in Ethiopia and they believe it's from 2.5-3.0million years ago. I was like damn that's crazy. Ethiopia is right beside us so it makes sense that Somalia must have had one of the earliest humans as well due to migration and what not. So it got me thinking, what were those people like? What was the Somali culture before Islam? When did we go from being those primitive early humans to being Somali? What types of food did we eat? What god(s) did we worship? What did we wear? Etc... I mean Islam being ~1400 years old is relatively young compared to those fossils. Not even a blimp on the timeline of human history in East Africa. I would really like to read on stuff about our culture before Islam, if anyone has links or books on this topic I'd really appreciate it. L


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Islam is a huge part of our lives and we've been blessed by Allah to have found Islam really early because of our blessed location on the Horn of Africa right on both the Gulf of Aden and Arabian sea, not too far from the birthplace of Islam.

But the other day I was reading this NatGeo article ( that said the earliest human fossils were found in Ethiopia and they believe it's from 2.5-3.0million years ago. I was like damn that's crazy. Ethiopia is right beside us so it makes sense that Somalia must have had one of the earliest humans as well due to migration and what not. So it got me thinking, what were those people like? What was the Somali culture before Islam? When did we go from being those primitive early humans to being Somali? What types of food did we eat? What god(s) did we worship? What did we wear? Etc... I mean Islam being ~1400 years old is relatively young compared to those fossils. Not even a blimp on the timeline of human history in East Africa. I would really like to read on stuff about our culture before Islam, if anyone has links or books on this topic I'd really appreciate it. L
I wish there were Somali archeologist that would go back home and search our past instead of steal like the white ones would do given the opportunity.
I wish there were Somali archeologist that would go back home and search our past instead of steal like the white ones would do given the opportunity.

That would be so cool. Think about all the neat stuff we'd find. I'm sure we'd find really interesting stuff because of Somalia's geographic location. It was one of the main routes for Arab African slave traders. We used to trade things like frankincese with Egypt all the time, which is probably the most exciting part of our history considering how almost every major empire in human history has conquered Egypt atleast once. So I'm sure we'd find a lot of interesting stuff. I think a lot of different civilizations traded in Mogadishu too, that'd probably the biggest goldmine of archaeological gems. The problem is I don't think things like archeological excavation would make sense to the geeljires and people who own livestock that need to graze. They'd probably be like wtf maxa naga galay f*ck off don't mess up our grazing lands


Suicidal men adore me.
That would be very interesting. Somalia believe there was nothing in Somalia before Islam which is laughable considering the fact that our country is incredibly old. I believe we have a very colorful and unique history. We have large ports so through merchandisers we must have come across different empires and cultures.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
That would be so cool. Think about all the neat stuff we'd find. I'm sure we'd find really interesting stuff because of Somalia's geographic location. It was one of the main routes for Arab African slave traders. We used to trade things like frankincese with Egypt all the time, which is probably the most exciting part of our history considering how almost every major empire in human history has conquered Egypt atleast once. So I'm sure we'd find a lot of interesting stuff. I think a lot of different civilizations traded in Mogadishu too, that'd probably the biggest goldmine of archaeological gems. The problem is I don't think things like archeological excavation would make sense to the geeljires and people who own livestock that need to graze. They'd probably be like wtf maxa naga galay f*ck off don't mess up our grazing lands
I really hope I get to see the day us Somalis get to tell our story to the world, to me it seems like east africa has so much untold history but it's being overlooked:(
I would also love to know more about Somalia's pre-Islamic past. Matter fact, I don't believe in the Arab forefathers (who are coincidentally linked to Muhammad) as claimed by several Somali tribes, including my own. There's a lot that needs to be learned & corrected about our past.

Most people on the planet are born into the religion that dominates their area. Naturally the majority of them think they were born into the right religion. Like you said, we Somalis just happened to be located near the area where Islam originated. After millions of years the creator of the universe sends down his message in the past ~3000 years (covering the 3 Abrahamic religions), and all to the same geographic area. I find that hard to believe. It also makes me think of the tribes in the world like the Sentilese who have been isolated for nearly ~60000 years to this day.
I would also love to know more about Somalia's pre-Islamic past. Matter fact, I don't believe in the Arab forefathers (who are coincidentally linked to Muhammad) as claimed by several Somali tribes, including my own. There's a lot that needs to be learned & corrected about our past.

Most people on the planet are born into the religion that dominates their area. Naturally the majority of them think they were born into the right religion. Like you said, we Somalis just happened to be located near the area where Islam originated. After millions of years the creator of the universe sends down his message in the past ~3000 years (covering the 3 Abrahamic religions), and all to the same geographic area. I find that hard to believe. It also makes me think of the tribes in the world like the Sentilese who have been isolated for nearly ~60000 years to this day.
You're clearly ignorant about this matter. We, in Islam believe that Allah (SWT) has sent over 100,000 messengers, some of these messengers were sent to a specific people whilst others were sent to mankind in general. We believe the very first man to walk this earth was a prophet. What are you talking about?

And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them. Then Allah misleads whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.14:4

This verse refutes your claim that the religions that were revealed by God are limited to the Abrahamic religions...

Almost every community around the globe in any chronological era have followed a specific religion and had a set of beliefs. If you scrutinize the foundations of these religions, you will find a common link between them. They almost without fail, have monotheistic origins (for instance, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc).

Atheists will never amount to much. If you're ranting about your atheistic views in hopes that you will win over the hearts of a large number of Muslims, don't bother. Your goal will never be materialised, it's a futile endeavour.

There's no empirical evidence to support the theory of evolution. The most common 'proof' that atheists refer to is the DNA testing of skulls which the authenticity of, is highly debatable.
You're clearly ignorant about this matter. We, in Islam believe that Allah (SWT) has sent over 100,000 messengers, some of these messengers were sent to a specific people whilst others were sent to mankind in general. We believe the very first man to walk this earth was a prophet. What are you talking about?

And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them. Then Allah misleads whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.14:4

This verse refutes your claim that the religions that were revealed by God are limited to the Abrahamic religions...

Almost every community around the globe in any chronological era have followed a specific religion and had a set of beliefs. If you scrutinize the foundations of these religions, you will find a common link between them. They almost without fail, have monotheistic origins (for instance, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc).

Atheists will never amount to much. If you're ranting about your atheistic views in hopes that you will win over the hearts of a large number of Muslims, don't bother. Your goal will never be materialised, it's a futile endeavour.

There's no empirical evidence to support the theory of evolution. The most common 'proof' that atheists refer to is the DNA testing of skulls which the authenticity of, is highly debatable.

How did I know you'd bring up the 100K prophets? Oh well I will entertain you. First of all, bringing up a verse from your Holy book is no proof at all. I've only heard the Ahmadiyya sect recognize Buddha as a Prophet. Lets say Hinduism and Buddhism have originated due to messages from Allah. Why stop there. The Greek Hercules has somewhat of a similar story to Jesus, so must also be the work of Allah? Heck Hades might be Shaytaan, as Lord of the Underworld. How about the Viking religion as well? Valhalla is where their warrior martyrs end up, sounds like a similar version of Jannah.

What you're really saying is Allah went back to the drawing board 124000 times because his word kept getting corrupted. That's a bummer man. In my opinion a truly All-Powerful All-Wise God would find the most efficient means of relay his message. The results of his last try (Islam) has 1.6 billion adherents out of a total human population of 7 billion. That's 22%. A failure by any measure, especially after 1400 years where there are still humans on this planet who have never heard of Islam.

Also there's the fact that the Quran was not compiled and standardized in book form until after the messenger Muhammad's death. It took a 20 year process for the Caliphs to get that job done. Where was God's foresight? This was his last shot? Of course I believe all religions to be the work of man, so "God" has no blame here.

I don't have to do anything to win over the hearts of Muslims on this site, anyone who wishes to learn the truth behind Islam can just open the Quran and Hadiths and start there. Try to make sense of it for yourself. I happily know where I stand.
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Islam is a huge part of our lives and we've been blessed by Allah to have found Islam really early because of our blessed location on the Horn of Africa right on both the Gulf of Aden and Arabian sea, not too far from the birthplace of Islam.

But the other day I was reading this NatGeo article ( that said the earliest human fossils were found in Ethiopia and they believe it's from 2.5-3.0million years ago. I was like damn that's crazy. Ethiopia is right beside us so it makes sense that Somalia must have had one of the earliest humans as well due to migration and what not. So it got me thinking, what were those people like? What was the Somali culture before Islam? When did we go from being those primitive early humans to being Somali? What types of food did we eat? What god(s) did we worship? What did we wear? Etc... I mean Islam being ~1400 years old is relatively young compared to those fossils. Not even a blimp on the timeline of human history in East Africa. I would really like to read on stuff about our culture before Islam, if anyone has links or books on this topic I'd really appreciate it. L

Too much argument on past that we forgot our future and current situation of Somalia future.
Islam is a huge part of our lives and we've been blessed by Allah to have found Islam really early because of our blessed location on the Horn of Africa right on both the Gulf of Aden and Arabian sea, not too far from the birthplace of Islam.

But the other day I was reading this NatGeo article ( that said the earliest human fossils were found in Ethiopia and they believe it's from 2.5-3.0million years ago. I was like damn that's crazy. Ethiopia is right beside us so it makes sense that Somalia must have had one of the earliest humans as well due to migration and what not. So it got me thinking, what were those people like? What was the Somali culture before Islam? When did we go from being those primitive early humans to being Somali? What types of food did we eat? What god(s) did we worship? What did we wear? Etc... I mean Islam being ~1400 years old is relatively young compared to those fossils. Not even a blimp on the timeline of human history in East Africa. I would really like to read on stuff about our culture before Islam, if anyone has links or books on this topic I'd really appreciate it. L


@Realist ''There's no empirical evidence to support the theory of evolution. The most common 'proof' that atheists refer to is the DNA testing of skulls which the authenticity of, is highly debatable.''

You know that if you disprove the theory of evolution, you can actually win a Nobel Prize and be forever a renowned scientist, right? :banderas:
How did I know you'd bring up the 100K prophets? Oh well I will entertain you. First of all, bringing up a verse from your Holy book is no proof at all. I've only heard the Ahmadiyya sect recognize Buddha as a Prophet. Lets say Hinduism and Buddhism have originated due to messages from Allah. Why stop there. The Greek Hercules has somewhat of a similar story to Jesus, so must also be the work of Allah? Heck Hades might be Shaytaan, as Lord of the Underworld. How about the Viking religion as well? Valhalla is where their warrior martyrs end up, sounds like a similar version of Jannah.

What you're really saying is Allah went back to the drawing board 124000 times because his word kept getting corrupted. That's a bummer man. In my opinion a truly All-Powerful All-Wise God would find the most efficient means of relay his message. The results of his last try (Islam) has 1.6 billion adherents out of a total human population of 7 billion. That's 22%. A failure by any measure, especially after 1400 years where there are still humans on this planet who have never heard of Islam.

Also there's the fact that the Quran was not compiled and standardized in book form until after the messenger Muhammad's death. It took a 20 year process for the Caliphs to get that job done. Where was God's foresight? This was his last shot? Of course I believe all religions to be the work of man, so "God" has no blame here.

I don't have to do anything to win over the hearts of Muslims on this site, anyone who wishes to learn the truth behind Islam can just open the Quran and Hadiths and start there. Try to make sense of it for yourself. I happily know where I stand.
The story of Jesus in the Christian scriptures are tampered with. The Romans are largely responsible for adulterating the original story with mythologies.

From some of the things you've made mention of, I can tell you've watched "Zeitgeist" and are pretty much regurgitating the same nonsense on there.

I never said that Hinduism, Buddhism, etc are religions that were definitely revealed by Allah (SWT). Majority of the religions have common beliefs, this could prove that Allah (SWT) has sent messengers to all nations.

That fact that 22% of the 7 billion world population are Muslims does not indicate failure whatsoever. We believe that if an individual or a group of people have never received the message of Islam, they won't be subject to punishment. The idea of God sending messengers in succession is not a sign of his incompetence. We believe that this life is a test, we've been given free will and its upon us do use it for the good. Have we not been given the ability to murder even innocent people? We believe one who does so will be brought to account. Likewise for those who have corrupted the scriptures of Allah (SWT), their fate awaits.

Allah (SWT) has not promised to protect the scriptures of old, there is nothing that indicates such thing. Allah (SWT) has promised to protect the Qur'an though and it still remains intact 1400 years after it was revealed. Do you not think millions have tried to destroy the Qur'an? Have you heard about what the Mamluk empire have done, prior to their conversion to Islam?

We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). 15:9

It did not take the Kulafaa 20 years to compile the Qur'an, the Qur'an was compiled at the time of the Prophet (SAW) in the form of recitation. The word Qur'an itself comes from أقر which means to recite. Uthmaan (RA) has 'compiled and standardised the Qur'an in a book form with the help of the huffaadh of the Qur'an. If you think the memory of hundreds of men are unreliable, then walk in a masjid in jumaa, recite any verse of the Qur'an loudly and make a mistake deliberately, you will find at least over 30 men race hastily to correct you. We know it word for word, letter for letter verbatim 100%.

Uthmaan (RA) has acknowledged that since the revelation of the Qur'an began, people would write verses of the Qur'an on animal skin, wood, etc. He heeded that this could potentially lead to corruption of the Qur'an so he ordered that all these pieces be gathered and burnt.

"I happily know where I stand". No offence mate, but your views and beliefs are shaped by scientific theories. Thus they're prone to change like the British weather.

On top of that, the so-called 'experts' in these fields frequently contradict each other.

I'm kind of busy atm and I'll end with this: we have our views and beliefs, you have yours.


not so sad after all
How did I know you'd bring up the 100K prophets? Oh well I will entertain you. First of all, bringing up a verse from your Holy book is no proof at all. I've only heard the Ahmadiyya sect recognize Buddha as a Prophet. Lets say Hinduism and Buddhism have originated due to messages from Allah. Why stop there. The Greek Hercules has somewhat of a similar story to Jesus, so must also be the work of Allah? Heck Hades might be Shaytaan, as Lord of the Underworld. How about the Viking religion as well? Valhalla is where their warrior martyrs end up, sounds like a similar version of Jannah.

What you're really saying is Allah went back to the drawing board 124000 times because his word kept getting corrupted. That's a bummer man. In my opinion a truly All-Powerful All-Wise God would find the most efficient means of relay his message. The results of his last try (Islam) has 1.6 billion adherents out of a total human population of 7 billion. That's 22%. A failure by any measure, especially after 1400 years where there are still humans on this planet who have never heard of Islam.

Also there's the fact that the Quran was not compiled and standardized in book form until after the messenger Muhammad's death. It took a 20 year process for the Caliphs to get that job done. Where was God's foresight? This was his last shot? Of course I believe all religions to be the work of man, so "God" has no blame here.

I don't have to do anything to win over the hearts of Muslims on this site, anyone who wishes to learn the truth behind Islam can just open the Quran and Hadiths and start there. Try to make sense of it for yourself. I happily know where I stand.

first of all, if Allah had wanted he could have made it so we were all muslims, but he left two paths open so you can decide for yourself. If people want to corrupt their holy books and messages, it's on them.

the quran thing is just stupid, people had the quran memorized and written down looooong before it was in book form.


not so sad after all
Atheists have this wet dream of a somalia without islam, its a pipe dream will never happen.
they think a few atheists hiding on a somali forum means anything:hemad:

this is why atheists are not tolerated in muslim countries they want to take over
@Realist ''There's no empirical evidence to support the theory of evolution. The most common 'proof' that atheists refer to is the DNA testing of skulls which the authenticity of, is highly debatable.''

You know that if you disprove the theory of evolution, you can actually win a Nobel Prize and be forever a renowned scientist, right? :banderas:
LOOOL. Do you still think that the 'theory of evolution' is a theory? It's not a theory at all. It's a hypothesis.


The hypothesis of evolution has not been proven. If something has not been disproven, it does not make it authentic by default.

Anyone can come up with their own hypothesis.

First of all, bringing up a verse from your Holy book is no proof at all.
I don't know how I've missed this statement. You were implying that we believe Allah (SWT) has sent down his message in the past 3000 years covering the 3 Abrahamic religions.
After millions of years the creator of the universe sends down his message in the past ~3000 years (covering the 3 Abrahamic religions), and all to the same geographic area. I find that hard to believe.
The verse that I've used was solely to refute that ludicrous claim.



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Somalis can learn quite a lot about their past by looking at the Oromo and how their culture transformed in the past 400 year. We used to wear clothing made of leather (Harag) until we got into contact with Muslim traders. You can see this in the Borana oromo today, example:

After that we started to wear cotton clothing, plain white for most people because they could not afford dyed cloth, example:
we wuzz kangz and shit miyaa xaalku?

yes our ancestors were kangz and shit but what are we now?? what will our descendants be proud of hundreds of years and boast to the rest of the world?

right now we're showing off our ancestor's achievements and great history but what will our descendants show off with?

it's also interesting how people who had great civilizations and history before are almost all shit right now.

Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Greece, Italy, India, Mexico, Ethiopia, Somalia, Mali, Swahili coast, Sudan, Lybia, Syria etc all have history but are shytte.

only exception is China but it's been shytte for the past 100 years and only started rising recently. China gives us formerly kangz and shit people some hope to return to the top one day.
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