(Race Discussion) Do black people subconsciously put themselves below White people?

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Lately ive been drifting away from calling myself "black". It holds no value and its reductive as hell. Ill only use it when its convenient for me, which is basicaly hardly ever. saying this doesnt mean i will look down on other human beings though.

Damn now that machiavelli style, using thing when it benefits you!!! this man is pure danger
Damn now that machiavelli style, using thing when it benefits you!!! this man is pure danger
As we should, whats the point of alligning yourself with something that doesnt really truely accept you. the whole black label is way too vague.

Ahmed Ali

Isn't this the same thing when Somalis calls other Somalis their are not Somalis :confused:

I think it's the same thing when Black African or Jamaican "Says Somalis are not Black"
Just because their look different :vanlf9a:

I also think Black people are seeking for love. Everytime I turn the TV all I hear complain how their have been mistreated and no one loves them.
I'm Somali. That's all there is to it. They have an inferiority complex from what I see.

When I was in HS one of those Jamaican fucks tried to say our people were raped by Arabs and thats why we look the way we do. I said he was the descendant of slaves that were raped by whites. I told him to not project his garbage origin on me and mine.

I get along with other africans great, but fucking carribeans/AAs. They're a broken people in more ways than one.
Lol lots of AAs I know think Somalis are a mix of Arabs and Bantus slaves. When I ask them why you think that is they say “oh Arab slave trade” then I tell them not only Somalis were not enslaved, they did the enslaving then they say “nah impossible we all black so someone did them wrong too” smh. Basically if someone is “black” then their ethnicity had to have gone through slavery.
Basically if someone is “black” then their ethnicity had to have gone through slavery.

That is the most annoying thing. What's worse, there are some Somalis on Twitter and Youtube who go along with it in order to be accepted as "black" and be part of their community.
Oh btw Black is definitely a social construct because many don’t know, but Russians when they want to be nationalist call Muslims from Caucasus and Central Asia “black”. I am not shitting you, black or black ass. There are AAs who went to Russia who found out that dynamic. This whole thing is silly because for example a Chechen from the Caucasus goes from being “Black” in Russia to taking a plane ride to USA and beint “Caucasian” now. A plane ride shot him up in the racial hierarchy pyramide lol
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