Putin strikes again

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Saddam huessiens former Ba'ath parties high ranking army personal make up the isis leadership. Back in the day when the United States put Iraq on economic sanctions what saddam did was allow his top military personal (generals,colnels, spies) to begin a blackmarket economy in which goods can be sold with out the Americans knowing that there was any iraqi business going on under their noses.

The way isis generates 1-3 million dollars a day is buy using this network of connections which saddam huessiens had during his era of being dictator in chief.

Turky is isis's main 'export partner' if we could use such a term for a savage terrorist organisation like isis. Oil trucks leave isis strongholds in Syria and enter Turky with out the Turkish government knowing a single truck has entered their border.

Putin has finally went after isis's cashcow and stopped wealthy private individuals inside of Turky from buying Syrian oil from isis.

A lot of dirty Turkish millionaire are going to have a heart attack when they realise their side business has been stamped all over by the bigcheese Vladimir Putin.

The Putin strikes again!!

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