Puntland President Deni 5 Year Program


As a Puntites Diaspora all I want is my region to be better then where they were in the last five years. I want Deni to succeed in finishing off major infrastructure projects and ensuring all govt services are reaching all puntites whether on the road or off the road communities.

I believe Deni can achieve alot if he first and foremost learns the art of diplomacy with his fellow peers the political elites and also with the Isimo class. These two bodies are crucial for you to get on your side and this my way or the highway political attitude of Deni isn't the best approach. Deni must accept reason and rationality, you were elected by Puntland Parliament who themselves were vetted and selected by their Isimo.

Our system doesn't cater for civilians and therefore appealing to 1M1V or the people will find you suffering what Farmajo did who tried to use populism with the civilian class as a way to achieve his politics, however the civilian class are voiceless so it was a wasted strategy.

Yes the civilians are an important bloc and the govt purpose is to serve the interest of the many and not the few but our system is designed by the few for the few and therefore it's critical Deni reach a pact with them about how you can work together for the next 5 years with no ankle biting tactics.

The elites just want either financial contracts for their clans or companies they have saami-lay stakes, they want posts assigned to themselves or someone their building up with political experience, some want to contribute their ideas on a political direction on SL, Mogadishu who they see as an extreme threat to PL existence, some want projects guaranteed for their town.

They all carry their own personal agendas and yes Deni is right he can't sit there and serve his term by fulfilling the interest of a few while the whole state whether it's aid or taxes is generated by the many.

I think it's best he bring all their interests together and convince them what he can squeeze in and what is impossible and tell them the truth when you can't fulfill their agendas rather then giving them false hope thru empty promises which they will remember and haunt you with.

Once Dani has these elites and isimo off his case he must lay down a program to counter HSM and speak to international donors and tell them it's up to them to exert pressure thru aid cuts on the federal govt budget.

The international community need to be told by being neutral in this never ending political instability of Somalia their actually fueling it to continue and they must listen to all sides complaints and give their international view not sit there and just say we wait for Somalis to resolve it because you will be waiting another century and therefore wasting your time, back your horse is what I would tell the international community it might not be pretty but it beats the neutral position they have taken since 2004 and in 20 years all we see is baby step progress and alot of conflict in between.
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I urge Deni once you have your political agenda crafted with input from all PL elites and Isimo, please lay down your development goals so you can be held to account once your term has finished. Deni u were elected legally but you were elected as a leader to hold and preserve the interests of PL not the interest of Deni. You are our leader but don't mistake that for your our king, you must consult PL elite about any area that effects PL well being as they are critical stakeholders, we are not dictatorship like siyad barre, taladu Iyo goanku Adaa leh waa xaqqagi lakin wada Tashigu waa muqadas as that's embedded in PL culture.

Please be realistic about your development goals as we are not children expecting PL to be built in one day but we are not careless also and we know what can be achieved within a 5 year time frame and we demand he present those development goals whether if it is social infrastructure, hard infrastructure, security advancement, diaspora and foreign partnership to tackle large scale private investment of economic importance that can create mass employment and high end value products to increase GDP.

I want to see what sector or industry Deni can bring local and foreign partners to invest and mature that sector. I want to see what Deni plan to mechanize the economy away from primitive manual methods, what's your goals around sanitation, sewages, drainages, public parks, etc as these are local govt responsibility and mayor's you nominate.
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