President Farmaajo: Ceelwaaq elected MPs cannot participate in the elections of parliamentary leadership and president

Who’s Farmaajo? No one listens to him, not FEIT, SEIT, PM, Federal Member States, NCC, Supreme Court. This will finally show you.

Ceelwaaq Gedo MPs will be voting in the speaker elections in 5 days.

everytime he wrote a letter what happened ?

1) rooble wanted the army - they don’t listen.
2) nisa airport security - dint happen

3) making deals with foreigners - stopped rooble in his track.

4) uae release the money - stopped in their track.

5) no election in elwak will be accepted - we will see what happens.




Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
everytime he wrote a letter what happened ?

1) rooble wanted the army - they don’t listen.
2) nisa airport security - dint happen

3) making deals with foreigners - stopped rooble in his track.

4) uae release the money - stopped in their track.

5) no election in elwak will be accepted - we will see what happens.
You are living a fantasy of your own creation-are you even awake?