President Deni:

Rough summary of speech:
  • Doesn't want to extend his term and wants to hold 1M1V elections on time.
  • Speaks about the success of 1M1V.
  • Warns people against breaking the law to gain power and tells them to consult their people
  • Invites them to join political parties to have a voice
  • He said it's disappointing that the Federal Govt, doesn't support 1M1V and is instead a destructive force.
  • Calls for the committees to prepare for the election process
  • Calls for his KAAH party to start their work.
  • Sends a message to SSC-Khaatumo, he said they were part of the founders of Puntland, he makes it clear that he and Puntland supports the new state, the people, the elders and for them to decide their own affairs.
  • Said Puntland stands for the defence of SSC-Khaatumo
  • Wishes peace and progress for the Somali people.
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Dang…. You telling me we’re going to be the first State gov to hold 1M1V elections paving the way for the rest of the nation?


It's in the interest of all Somalis that this is a success, because it will show everyone that a few demonic politicians, can't hold the masses hostage. If Puntland fails, these other FMS stand zero chance, zero.
Exactly what I expected from President Deni. If only Puntlanders know how lucky they are to have such guy leading them. The sensitive SSC-Khatumo part was handled in away that satisfied our cousins as we know HAG were trying to divide the two cousins.

If the elections committee readies ever district bar Nugaal and Aran Jaan blocks the election in Nugaal like last time what should happen ? I am afraid a final solution to clean them from the capital is required. If the entire Nugaal side with Aran Jaan, I'd move the capital to Qardho or Galkacyo and have them rule themselves in Garowe.


True Puntlander
Exactly what I expected from President Deni. If only Puntlanders know how lucky they are to have such guy leading them. The sensitive SSC-Khatumo part was handled in away that satisfied our cousins as we know HAG were trying to divide the two cousins.

If the elections committee readies ever district bar Nugaal and Aran Jaan blocks the election in Nugaal like last time what should happen ? I am afraid a final solution to clean them from the capital is required. If the entire Nugaal side with Aran Jaan, I'd move the capital to Qardho or Galkacyo and have them rule themselves in Garowe.
Last elections Nugaal particpate. You mean Garowe iyo two village only. If they refuse will not change outcome because majority of puntland already voted the new president.

