Political Irirism Has Collapsed



Qorshihii isbahaysi Ee Xasan,Geelle iyo Muuse Oo fashilmay​



Sadexdii Nin ee dejistay qorshihii ka dhanka ahaa Beesha Harti Afkay ciida dareen,kuwaasoo kala ah…
1.Xasan Shiikh.
2.Ismaaciil C.Geelle.
3.Muuse Biixi.

Maxay ku heshiiyeen?

1 Isbahaysi Siyaasadeed iyo mid Ganacsi oo Xamar,Jabuti iyo Hargaysa ah.
2.Beesha Daarood oo laga ilaaliyo Kursiga Madaxweyne mar danbe .
3.Beesha Harti oo laga ilaaliyo Cadka matalaad Siyaasadeedka Beesha Daarood in ay qaadato.
Xasan waa fashilmay?

1.Isku wadidii Wadanka,waa ku fashilmay.
2.Dagaalkii argagixisada,waa ku fashilmay.
3.Fulinta Barnaamijyadii hor tabinta lahaa,waa ku fashilmay.

Muuse waa fashilmay?

1.Rajadii Gooni goosadka oo luntay.
2.Qorshihii Somaliya iyo Somaliland oo xirmay
3.Hub lagu qiyaasay $15-Milyan iyo ku dhawaad 3-kun oo Askari oo la diyaarinayay 32-Sano oo Hawada ka baxay.
Geelle waa fashilmay?

1.Qorshihii uu riixayay ee Fadaraal ah Somaliya iyo SL,waa fashilmay.
2.Isbahaysigii Jeegaanta Geeska Afrika ee Muqdisho,Hargaysa iyo Jabuti,waa fashilmay.
2.Hirgelinta Somaliland-tii Gumaystaha,waa fashilantay.
3.Saldano garab la’ah oo ka dhisanta Xamar laguna xukumo Somali,waa fashilantay.
Jibril Qoobey.


I really feel sorry for Darods who want all clans and regions and capital to be an equal stakeholder and inclusive so their is ownership and this can only be done through federalism. The other idealogy problems are too many but he is a list;

1. Secession with a clan character trying to claim a region thru winner vs loser
2. Centralism with a city and clan character trying to have all the power while everywhere else is a loser and disempowered.
3. Djibouti wanting North-South where darod are in the regions and disempowered for Hargeisa and Mogadishu city state rule.

Federalism I love you but considering the nation doesn't want a win-win system and promoting the same old 30 year zero sum-game, we must release the nuclear option confederation or a hybrid system like china/hong kong had under 2 system yet 1 nation structure.

If your Somali patriot and want win-win system for all Somalis and not a zero sum 30 year failed game of winner and loser system. Please stand up and abuse these men and their supporters, however if the supporter is a federalist and from those clan, treat them like a brother in arm fighting for a system where all Somalis can be winners and not losers.

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I really feel sorry for Darods who want all clans and regions and capital to be an equal stakeholder and inclusive so their is ownership and this can only be done through federalism. The other idealogy problems are too many but he is a list;

1. Secession with a clan character trying to claim a region thru winner vs loser
2. Centralism with a city and clan character trying to have all the power while everywhere else is a loser and disempowered.
3. Djibouti wanting North-South where darod are in the regions and disempowered for Hargeisa and Mogadishu city state rule.

Federalism I love you but considering the nation doesn't want a win-win system and promoting the same old 30 year zero sum-game, we must release the nuclear option confederation or a hybrid system like china/hong kong had under 2 system yet 1 nation structure.

If your Somali patriot and want win-win system for all Somalis and not a zero sum 30 year failed game of winner and loser system. Please stand up and abuse these men and their supporters, however if the supporter is a federalist and from those clan, treat them like a brother in arm fighting for a system where all Somalis can be winners and not losers.

I don’t believe there is an irir conspiracy per se, the grouping too broad and loose but I do know what you mean.The temporary agreement between the Hawiye and the Isaaq secessionists back in 91-92 was based more on a common cause than any supposed ties, because in a sense all Somalis are related to one another. They both opposed the Darod but I don’t believe it materialised into anything greater. Also the Dir can’t be considered as part of an irir conspiracy in a political sense since they have been in conflict with and subjugated by the Isaaq secessionists. That still leaves the whole question of Djiboutis involvement unanswered but I believe i might know why. look at it like this, if the ssc movement and puntland defeat somaliland continuously, somaliland and the Isaaq power structure will fall apart, we’re already seeing it with the Garhajis btw, and this will open up the road to a revival of somaliweyn ideology and it won’t be long before Djibouti faces aggression, so naturally they would prop up the SL regime, im open to criticism of this theory btw since I’m not 100% sure but yeah that’s my opinion summarised.


Djibouti and SL are competitors, the Irir conspiracy between Geelle HSM and Bihi therefore doesn’t make much sense.

Geelle + HSM do have an alliance tho. And it does make sense to back SL to war with PL where both get weakened significantly.