(Ohio Attack) Dishonest Media Bias That Haunts Muslims In The West.

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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Following the news about Ali Artan stabbings in Ohio as troubling as this is, the media reaction to it displays a final mutation in the war on terror.

The final mutation of the war on terror is the new solo terrorist, terrorism in the smallest possible footprint—not the cell, but the single autonomous person: the self-motivating disconnected terrorism

A shooting in California and had the names of the shooters been John Smith and Simon Everett we would know the script-- bad day at work, stress, etc. Unfortunately the names look Islamic. And while John and Simon can have a bad day at work and go around shooting people, this is not so if your name is Ali ,Tashfeen Malik or Syed, with names like that you have links to ISIS and the Islamic Council for America has to make statements on behalf of the American Muslim community, (no one else does this, only Muslims orgs have to apologize for every single Muslim).

And this isolated lone act gives justification for the war campaign against Muslim countries and for Trump to make more Hitler like suggestions of banning Muslims because of these attack.


White men have been responsible for about 63 percent of mass shootings in that span, despite comprising a far smaller portion of the total population. And while the motives for mass murder vary from perpetrator to perpetrator, since the Columbine school shooting in 1999, there has been a remarkable consistency—if not uniformity—in the age, gender, and race of the people who carry out these egregious crimes.
San Bernardino was a jihad:mjlol:
One does not simply go to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the two biggest terrorist countries. Come back to America and kill 14 people because of stress
The Orlando massacre
The guy was pledging allegiance to ISIS and shouting Allahu Akbar as he was shooting at people, in a gay nightclub of all places
In the St. Cloud stabbing, the bootyclappers was shouting allahu akbar.
There is simply no excuse. They aren't doing it because of stress sxb:dead:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There's not much to it runti, it's just that nowadays the masses have a solid enthusiasm when it comes to Islamic violence over anything else.
It's stupid but it gets a lot of playtime with the media and they love it as it captivates their audience, their viewers go up and their profits increase.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
There's not much to it runti, it's just that nowadays the masses have a solid enthusiasm when it comes to Islamic violence over anything else.
It's stupid but it gets a lot of playtime with the media and they love it as it captivates their audience, their viewers go up and their profits increase.

It is because the west sees Islam as competing political ideology , kinda like they did with communism. Its all about political power struggles.

The West has an agenda to demonize Islam, not because of the direction in which Muslims pray, but because of the consequence of an Islamic power shift and disruption to Western hegemony in trade and politics.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
San Bernardino was a jihad:mjlol:
One does not simply go to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the two biggest terrorist countries. Come back to America and kill 14 people because of stress
The Orlando massacre
The guy was pledging allegiance to ISIS and shouting Allahu Akbar as he was shooting at people, in a gay nightclub of all places
In the St. Cloud stabbing, the bootyclappers was shouting allahu akbar.
There is simply no excuse. They aren't doing it because of stress sxb:dead:

Let us begin treating facts as opinion

1) Let us dismiss the fact that there is no violent mass killing history or culture in the Somali community in the west, which just contradicts the myth of mental illness in the community being the cause. These isolated lone wolfs are a result of the recent Warmongering, hatred and marginalization of Muslims and bombings of Muslim countries. Something which automatically results in breeding of hate and backlash.
FBI: Hate crimes against Muslims in US surge 67 percent

2) Let us dismiss the fact that there is no statistical basis for Immigrant/Refugees being more criminal or violent then natives.
. Immigrants are Less Likely to be Criminals Than the Native-Born

Higher Immigration is Associated with Lower Crime Rates

Let us forget the fact that White supremacists are the Nr.2 leading cause for domestic terrorism in the US and its increasingly growing with all the Hate crimes against Jews and Muslims. Attacks by muslim fall way behind everyone with the exception of communists.

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America



Do you know what happened to most of them don't covered on the news and the news excuses them with different usage of terms like ''Militia men'' ,''Troubled people'' and ''Lone wolfs''. Do people brand the whole Cadaan race as lunatics psychopaths and terrorists much like what @Lucifer did by branding his own people in the same manner.

4) Let us ignore the fact that most of less than 1/% of all terrorits attacks in europe are made by people with muslim background.
Updated Europol Data: Less Than 1% of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims


Let us forget the hard data and facts available cause these are just opinions after all.
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
There is nothing to be suprised by if people actually read the report on the Somali Ohio student and his posts on Facebook?. The Anti-Muslim hatred he experienced on campus allegedly made him lash out.
Ohio State suspect said he was 'scared' on campus

Also this guy does not have the profile of a psychopathic person or someone with mental illness or links to terror.
A graduation program for Columbus State Community College said that the student earned an associate’s degree with honors earlier this year, and a piece published in August by the campus newspaper, The Lantern, said he became a logistics major at Ohio State.

No i don't condone what he did , killing innocent people is morally reprehensible and not right under any circumstance. But the fact of the matter is that we need to examine the roots and be sympathetic to the background,( not the actions carried out), but the background.

We cannot expect to; marginalize people, persecute them, prod and poke at them for their religious lifestyle and then complain when they retaliate: No free human being sits quiet while their rights to their own land, resources and lifestyle are infringed upon. People with any form of identity (ethnic and/or religious) will resist by all means, anything which tries to challenge self.

To make exploitation easier dual containment must be deployed; 1 to curb the potency of religion/identity and pacify it, 2nd to demonize it and fight it directly.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
White people never get called terrorists and even they're not sure why

The Cadaans who tried to bomb Somalis were called''Militia Men'' by the media despite FBI and the Feds calling them terrorists.

White people have a way with using terminologies to their advantage. Talking about slaves they use ''Indentured labor'' ''prison system'' ''Corve''. When it comes to terrorism it is ''Militia men'' ''Lone wolfs'' ''Troubled Person'' ''Scitzophrenic etc.

When it comes to White supremacists and Nationalists it is ''Alt-right'' a new hip term. Occupation of Palestinians it is '' Isreal's right to exist.'' Bombing and invading muslim countries it is ''Freedom and Democracy''

They understand that language is perception and they use their English language to the fullest in projecting their own world view at people and thus shaping peoples opinions to match their interests.

It also helps that White people own 90% of all media publications in America and they are not going to include something unfavorable to their politics .

For Europeans self-interest is an innate and unconscious act which requires no conspiracy theories or plotting to align and work in unison. The only people who do not behave in their Self-interests are people so mentally oppressed they do as Malcolm suggest and worry about their master’s house first.
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Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]
Let us begin treating facts as opinion

1) Let us dismiss the fact that there is no violent mass killing history or culture in the Somali community in the west, which just contradicts the myth of mental illness in the community being the cause. These isolated lone wolfs are a result of the recent Warmongering, hatred and marginalization of Muslims and bombings of Muslim countries. Something which automatically results in breeding of hate and backlash.
FBI: Hate crimes against Muslims in US surge 67 percent

2) Let us dismiss the fact that there is no statistical basis for Immigrant/Refugees being more criminal or violent then natives.
. Immigrants are Less Likely to be Criminals Than the Native-Born

Let us forget the fact that White supremacists are the Nr.2 leading cause for domestic terrorism in the US and its increasingly growing with all the Hate crimes against Jews and Muslims. Attacks by muslim fall way behind everyone with the exception of communists.

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America



Lol @ quoting Global Research. The founder of that site is a conspiracy nutcase along with his Georgian contributer. I saw private photographs of him at Castro's home back when he was teaching. He has an agenda.
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