If Somalia built infrastructure to have running water, how will it impact the 1,000s of people that make money delivering water?

Providing solutions seems like it will literally take food out of another persons mouth. There are 1,000s of people in Somalia that are incentive by the lack of development. Everyone from corrupt government officials to contractors, even the guys delivering truckloads of coal to the ports in kismayo. even if you were able to built a pump station and water treatment plant, bribery is most likely solution to avoid being attacked. how can anyone run a business or provide solutions to Somalis, if at every level you are met with no name retards who make money off the misery and suffering of their fellow Somalis?


If Somalia builds infrastructure to provide running water, it could have a big impact on the whole population. Clean, reliable water is important for health and can also help people be more productive by saving time and effort. As for people who currently deliver water for a living, the new infrastructure might affect their job. But overall, having running water is a basic human right and the benefits would probably outweigh any potential downsides for the water delivery industry. It's important for the government to work with affected groups to make sure the transition is fair
Somalia keeps having famine after famine. Thousands of people and livestock are lost to it. We need to put the needs of the greater population first. Hopefully the people working in the water business can transition into the new model. Water is a scarce resource in Somalia. Somalia needs a good plan like Israel, California and the UAE to manage water scarcity.
Unlike places like Egypt and Iraq, us Somalis are scattered away from our main water sources compared to these countries where most of their population live along the Nile and Euphrates.
I think a good idea would be that cities and provinces need to find a stable source of water ( like the Juba river in the south) and build an aqueduct.

Check out how the city of Los Angeles built an aqueduct from a river 233 miles( 375km) away in 1908!!!
Link: https://waterandpower.org/museum/Construction_of_the_LA_Aqueduct.html



Let him cook
What your describing is called creative destruction in economics


