I had huge lucid dreams last night.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Lucid dreaming and dreaming of drowning are sign a person is spiritually growing. I was dreaming of flying around in a huge city with a country side full of homes. I can see clearly and control my flight and flip upside down and all. It was exhilarating flying, so much fun.

One other night I was flying down i94 in my city. Fun freeway to fly on and more fun than motorcycle. True freedom walaahi.

human_flight2 (1).jpg



I started my own security company Cerberus.
I don’t have an account for that, but how do you do it ?
I just focus on darkness in front of my eyes as I fall asleep. Keep mind clear. The intention will make you lucid dream and you'll know you're Dreaming and be able to control it, look around and fly around. Last night I think I flew to another galaxy lmao



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I would dream of having a harem in my lofty castle Medivil style