Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelada hoose oo carabka ku adkeeyay in isbaaro la aqbaleyn deegaanka Jaziira Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed.


Jaziira kgs maamul is fake. Wacdaan and Daud run the place. Meesha dhameed miraaga kenyatiga laga soo dejinaaye waagi u farmaajo mamnuucay. It should be added to Dharkeynleey district after mismanagement by KGS who change the DC and maamul every 3 months.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Jaziira kgs maamul is fake. Wacdaan and Daud run the place. Meesha dhameed miraaga kenyatiga laga soo dejinaaye waagi u farmaajo mamnuucay. It should be added to Dharkeynleey district after mismanagement by KGS who change the DC and maamul every 3 months.
Jaziira is and will stay as Koonfur Galbeed. Wether you like it or not. Jaziira was dhul Sheekhaal and D&M.


Jaziira is and will stay as Koonfur Galbeed. Wether you like it or not. Jaziira was dhul Sheekhaal and D&M.
Jaziira is Mudulood and Sheikhal land. D&M maba joogo KGS doesn't do anything for Sheikhal Jaziira lol they don't even get dc insteads its aw qudub I believe :heh: and why you dont liberate the Jaziira - Marka road? Which is only 60 km. You waiting for Hawiye as usual. Saas dhul kuma yeelaneysid eboow wiiq

On the north side of Muqdisho the coastal road is all the way clear to the Galgaduud-Middle Shabelle border 350km if not more :francis:
Jaziira is and will stay as Koonfur Galbeed. Wether you like it or not. Jaziira was dhul Sheekhaal and D&M.
lol @ D&M. I hope you mean KGS as a whole and not actually jazeera district. If you’re not sheehkaal, wacdaan or Abgaal dauud don’t bother claiming Jazeera. You will never see Mudulood Hiraab claim lands that do not belong to us

Every single village under Jazeera except the town and jazeera gendershe is exclusively Wacdaan cismaan like Niimoow, Ceel huur, dacay etc. Also southern Abgaal daud whose ancestral lands stretch from garasbaaley to jaziira.

Go travel through Mogadishu - Jaziira road and stop the first reer miyi dude you see. He is either one of those two clans mentioned below


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!

lol @ D&M. I hope you mean KGS as a whole and not actually jazeera district. If you’re not sheehkaal, wacdaan or Abgaal dauud don’t bother claiming Jazeera. You will never see Mudulood Hiraab claim lands that do not belong to us

Every single village under Jazeera except the town and jazeera gendershe is exclusively Wacdaan cismaan like Niimoow, Ceel huur, dacay etc. Also southern Abgaal daud whose ancestral lands stretch from garasbaaley to jaziira.

Go travel through Mogadishu - Jaziira road and stop the first reer miyi dude you see. He is either one of those two clans mentioned below
Yhh I forgot to add Wacdaan as well. They also have deegan there as well. D&M own it as well. We will soon start developing the region and buying land. It's a great holiday house location.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Jaziira is Mudulood and Sheikhal land. D&M maba joogo KGS doesn't do anything for Sheikhal Jaziira lol they don't even get dc insteads its aw qudub I believe :heh: and why you dont liberate the Jaziira - Marka road? Which is only 60 km. You waiting for Hawiye as usual. Saas dhul kuma yeelaneysid eboow wiiq

On the north side of Muqdisho the coastal road is all the way clear to the Galgaduud-Middle Shabelle border 350km if not more :francis:
We will soon liberate it inshallah. Phase 2 of fight against khawaarij has begun and all of kgs will soon be liberated.


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