Greetings from a Kazakh Nomad

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Very interesting. I only recently learned about the Turkic Kumyk and Nogai of the Caucasus. It makes sense these two languages along with Crimean Tartar would find Turkish easier to understand than a Western Kazakh considering their closer proximity to Anatolia. I assume these Turkic groups found themselves in the Caucasus as a result of the expansion of the Golden Horde, correct?

Which Turkic language currently has the most prestige?
Kumyk and Karachai have actually been in the Caucasus for a while now. Kumyks are thought to be descendats of Khazars and Kipchaks. If you remember Kipchaks and Pechenegs were in Eastern Europe and Caucasus long before the Mongols. Karachays are still a mystery as they are rhought to be in Caucasus for at least 2000 years now. As for Nogais their language is actually almost the same as Western Kazakhs. Some Kazakhs may call me the Kazakh version of a “qabilist” but my tribe of Western Kazakhs have more in common with Nogais than they do with Kazakhs from southeastern tribes. We were after all a part of Nogai Horde before being a part of the Kazakh Khanate

Turkish is probably the most prestigious as it has the most widespread use. However lots of historical documents relating to Turkic language are best understood through Uzbek as those languages had a great deal of Iranian influence which Uzbek retains due to sedentary nature of their people.
Kumyk and Karachai have actually been in the Caucasus for a while now. Kumyks are thought to be descendats of Khazars and Kipchaks. If you remember Kipchaks and Pechenegs were in Eastern Europe and Caucasus long before the Mongols. Karachays are still a mystery as they are rhought to be in Caucasus for at least 2000 years now. As for Nogais their language is actually almost the same as Western Kazakhs. Some Kazakhs may call me the Kazakh version of a “qabilist” but my tribe of Western Kazakhs have more in common with Nogais than they do with Kazakhs from southeastern tribes. We were after all a part of Nogai Horde before being a part of the Kazakh Khanate

Turkish is probably the most prestigious as it has the most widespread use. However lots of historical documents relating to Turkic language are best understood through Uzbek as those languages had a great deal of Iranian influence which Uzbek retains due to sedentary nature of their people.

Great stuff man, thanks.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Oh my god lol, just because I know that? Here are our main three tribes. Gennady Golovkin falls into none of them because he is simply a Russian born in Kazakhstan. His name is Russian and his last name as well


U love to dream and impersonate characters dont u? Very creative!
That’s actually a very complex question. See when you say Mongols you have to specify if you mean ancient or modern. Out of the 5 main tribes that Genghis Khan united , 3 of 5 are part of Kazakhs now, however that doesn’t say much as tribes back then united strictly politically like people would unit under a same party today.

So yes a good chunk of our tribes (about a third) come from those ancient Mongols (though ironically those tribes are not found among modern Mongols). However, the base of our culture and language have been Kipchak Turks, as we then immediately split off as the Golden Horde (which essentially became a continuation of the Kipchak Khanate). Then we had a war with western Mongols Oirats. We also got some tribes with origins in Iran, and Middle East and some tribes that have been the first people in Kazakhstan who were Caucasoid .

I would say we are very similar from my observation in following regards

1. When it comes to working I noticed that Kazakhs and Somalis need something of dignity such as running a business or being in a high position, however if that’s not available free welfare and crime are subconciosuly seen as more noble options than flipping burgers or washing toilets

2. Tribalism is very much alive in Kazakhstan, however so far it has not escalated into a full-on war

3. The racial question. Somalis are always told by their neighbors different things. Bantus view you guys as Arabs, while Arabs may view you guys as Black while some may even say you guys are Indian lol. When in reality you are your own ancient race. It is same the same with Kazakhs we are “white and middle eastern” to Mongols and Chinese, but are gooks to whites and middle easterners. Some mistakenly think we’re a recent mixture of russians and chinese lol when in reality Kazakh genome is very ancient and complex to the point where two white looking Kazakhs can produce an Asian looking kid while two Asian looking Kazakhs can produce a white looking kid.

4. Kazakhs can get pretty arrogant and xenophobic, however if someone shows good spirit and solid character then we don’t let it sway our judgment (I think Somalis can kind of be like that too).

5. You guys sometimes remind of Kazakhs in a sense that you value spirit and someone’s bravery over the physical frame. In US I noticed people put a lot of emphasis on how big and strong someone looks to the point that if someone is somewhat smaller he will give in to that person. In Kazakhstan you cannot just expect to intimidate someone just because you are bigger that small Abdibek (yes a real popular Kazakh name lol) will fight you with the confidence of a UFC fighters
Interesting. I learned alot thanks to you.
Oh and welcome!!
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