Farmajo: "Two terms is not enough"


He's not wrong

Somalia needs a continuous government, at least 1 decade of the same Gov to sort this mess out, we can't keep chopping and changing cabinets, it's literally impossible to fix Somalia in just 4 years


He lost my respect ngl. We need a new face to continue the little accomplishments this government achieved. Farmaajo was side tracked but his cabinet had some good ministers that will continue improving the economy.

We need someone who will ensure 1p1v elections next election after defeating shabaab.

Honestly it is sad why we can't have free elections because shabaab control vast swathes of the south. At least the icj will still be dealt with until the election date is decided.
You were the last person that i would've ever thought would abandon Farmaajo :deadpeter:

At least you have the courage to admit you were wrong.


You were the last person that i would've ever thought would abandon Farmaajo :deadpeter:

At least you have the courage to admit you were wrong.
No I support hope for all Somalis and for the country. No leader has my loyalty if they fail to achieve basic things like security and free elections.

Hell you fail as a Muslim if you allow oppression of civilians under your leadership. He should have made peace with the clans and elders, they vote in the leaders after all. There is no one qabil where a man leads without the elders supporting him. We are held hostage by the elders. I may not like it but they hold the key to reconciliation and peace and farmaajo if he was honest would have by passed the fms states and made peace between the ppl on the ground.