DNO oil company tries to bribe Sacad Yoonis with two water wells

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Lol I guess karbash works, they haven't forgotten the karbash they received two years ago from the

I see the mayor of Dararweyne district there and the MPs. Good stuff

Xildhibaan Askar Oo Dhagaxdhigay Laba Ceel Oo Laga Hirgalinayo Celef weyn Iyo DararWeyne.

Sanaag(Togdhnews)-Xildhibaan C/Qaadir Askar Xasan Oo ka mid Ah Xildhibaanada Golaha Wakiiladda ee JSL ayaa dhagax-dhegay dhowaanlaba ceel biyood oo laga hirgelinayo degmooyinka Ceel-afweyn iyo Dararweyne ee Gobolka Sanaag. Ceelashaas oo qayb ka ah mashaariicda horumarineed ee ay maal-gelinayso shirkadda sahaminta shidaalka ee lagu magacaabo DNO, taas oo Dawladda Soomaaliland kula jirta heshiis ku saabsan sahaminta shidaalka ee deegaamada Ceel-afweyn, Darar-weyne iyo Xudun ee Goboladda Sanaag iyo Sool.
Dhinaca kale, waxaa xafladda lagu dhagax-dhigay labadan ceel biyood oo lagu qabtay goobta laga qodayo ceelashan ee degmooyinka Ceel/afweyn iyo Darar-weyne ka qayb-galay Wasiirka Macdanta Iyo Tamarta, Xuseen Cali Ducaale, Wasiir-Dawlaha Macdanta Iyo Tamarta, C/Raxman Axmed Xirsiqani, Wasiir-Dawlaha Waxbarasha Iyo Tacliinta Sare, Axmed Faahiye, Agaasimaha Guud Ee Wasaaradda Biyaha, C/Risaaq Axmed, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sanaag, Maxamed Cali Falaay, Maayaradda Degmooyinka Ceel-Afweyn Iyo Darar-Weyne Iyo Cuqaasha Iyo Madax-Dhaqameed Ka soo jeeda deegaamadan.

Xildhibaan Askar oo xaflada hadal kooban ka jeediyey ayaa kula dar-daarmay madaxda xukuumadda, maamulka heer gobol iyo degmo iyo dadweynaha ka soo qayb-galay xafladda dhagaxdhiga in ay guntiga dhiisha iskaga dhigaan sidii looga midhan dhallin lahaa ceelashan la dhagax-dhigay isla-markaasna loogu dadaali lahaa in bulshada ku dhaqan deegaamadan ay si siman uga faa-iidaysan lahaayeen biyaha laga soo saaro ceelashan.
Wuxuu kale oo Xildhibaan Askar, oo laga soo doortey deegaamadan laga qodayey ceelashan, isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ku bogaadiyey Wasiirka Macdanta Iyo Tamarta dedaalka dheer ee uu ka galay sidii bulshada ku nool deegaamadan looga haqab-tiri lahaa biyo macaan oo ku filan dadweynaha, iyadoo hore dhowr jeer loogu guul-daraystey helista biyo macaan deegaankan, kadib markii laba ceel oo ay wasaaradiisu hore uga qoday deegaanka Ceel-afweyn ay noqdeen biyo qadhaadh, kuwaas oo aan ku haboonayn cabista dadka iyo caafimaadka dadweynaha ku dhaqan deegaanka Ceel-afweyn iyo Darar-weyne.

Xild. Askar wuxuu noqonaya xildhibaanka keliya ee mashaariic kala duwan ka hirgeliyey deegaamada laga soo doortey – mashaariicdaas oo ay ka mid yihiin hirgelinta Riig Biyoodka laga qoday Bohol, dhismaha Schoolka Hoose/Dhexe ee Ceel-Lahelay, Mashruuca Furinka ama Rootiga bilaashka lagu sameeyo oo hadda maraya sannadkii 7aad, kaas oo loo dubo rooti looguna qaybiyo subaxii iyo habeenkii dadka saboolka ah iyo Reer Miyiga deggan Tuulada Ceel-lahelay iyo nawaaxigeeda, mashruuc ku saabsan biyo-dhaamis dadka reer miyiga ah iyo xoolahooda oo biyo-dhaamis booyado ah loogu dhaaminayey muddo laba bilood ah, sannadkii 2011.
Waxaa kale oo mashaariicda Xild. Askar ka hirgeliyey deegaanka laga soo doorteey ka mid ah Berkado laga qoday Degmada Oog, Saba-wanaag iyo Bohol, iyo lacag caddaan ah – cash – oo 100 qoys oo danyar ah lagu siiyey muddo dhan saddex bilood US$. 60 qoyskiiba bil kasta, iyo Lacagta ay qaataan Agoomaha dhigta Iskuuladda oo dhan ilaa 120 arday oo agoomo ah oo ku nool degmooyinka Ceerigaabo, Gar-adag, Ceel-Afweyn, Oog iyo Dararweyne, kuwaas oo qaata US$. 60 ardaygii bishiiba, oo socda sannadkii 3aad.

- See more at: http://togdheernews.com/news/23/01/...lef-weyn-iyo-dararweyne/#sthash.zBALTeHF.dpuf


I don't get it don't you people think of your self as somalilanders why aren't you together when it comes to these things why don't the so call government seat down with you folks and come to understanding :confused:


I don't get it don't you people think of your self as somalilanders why aren't you together when it comes to these things why don't the so call government seat down with you folks and come to understanding :confused:

What are you talking about, we are authentic Somalilanders , our interest comes first though. No oil exploration in our lands,
companies must hand out $ millions in projects to locals first.



Your superior
dont you think the projects will come when oil is actually found. Right now these so called companies are actually trying to find oil, if they dont find oil and still hand out millions to locals then that is their money wasted


dont you think the projects will come when oil is actually found. Right now these so called companies are actually trying to find oil, if they dont find oil and still hand out millions to locals then that is their money wasted

You have to understand when they are trying to find oil some of the environment might be damaged, so the millions is just
compensation upfront.


Your superior
You have to understand when they are trying to find oil some of the environment might be damaged, so the millions is just
compensation upfront.

i honestly think they wont find shit. even if they do, it is too late and oil pries are rock bottom and will continue to be low with iran out of sanctions


i honestly think they wont find shit. even if they do, it is too late and oil pries are rock bottom and will continue to be low with iran out of sanctions

Its ok if nothing is found what matters is that my people benefit from any projects if the company is allowed to be there.


Bored to death
i honestly think they wont find shit. even if they do, it is too late and oil pries are rock bottom and will continue to be low with iran out of sanctions
It's still worth the effort in the long run especially finding out that there's oil. SL gov know finding oil will change the equation, it already changed it for PL and it has not found any yet.


Your superior
It's still worth the effort in the long run especially finding out that there's oil. SL gov know finding oil will change the equation, it already changed it for PL and it has not found any yet.

the somali peninsula doesn't have oil abti


Bored to death
Read this @waraabe.

Mark Fineman, ‘The oil factor in Somalia’, Los Angeles Times - 1993

Although most oil experts outside Somalia laugh at the suggestion that the nation ever could rank among the world's major oil producers--and most maintain that the international aid mission is intended simply to feed Somalia's starving masses--no one doubts that there is oil in Somalia. The only question: How much?

"It's there. There's no doubt there's oil there," said Thomas E. O'Connor, the principal petroleum engineer for the World Bank, who headed an in-depth, three-year study of oil prospects in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia's northern coast.
"You don't know until you study a lot further just how much is there," O'Connor said. "But it has commercial potential. It's got high potential . . . once the Somalis get their act together."

O'Connor, a professional geologist, based his conclusion on the findings of some of the world's top petroleum geologists. In a 1991 World Bank-coordinated study, intended to encourage private investment in the petroleum potential of eight African nations, the geologists put Somalia and Sudan at the top of the list of prospective commercial oil producers.

Presenting their results during a three-day conference in London in September, 1991, two of those geologists, an American and an Egyptian, reported that an analysis of nine exploratory wells drilled in Somalia indicated that the region is "situated within the oil window, and thus (is) highly prospective for gas and oil." A report by a third geologist, Z. R. Beydoun, said offshore sites possess "the geological parameters conducive to the generation, expulsion and trapping of significant amounts of oil and gas."


It's a long article but worth reading. These small companies want to buy the rights for the oil and then sell it on to larger companies at a fortune. They have no intention of commerialising the oil.


@Duke of Harshaw so are sacad yoonis allowing DNO to continue work in Xudun and ceel afweyn districts?

I don't know yet but properly this year could be different unlike 2014 where the locals
were hostile. The whole point of those projects is to make friendlier relations with the
AK-47 wielding locals so they won't karbash DNO again.
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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Yeah, I know people who were working with DNO. The geel jire didn't shoot at them,but around their vicinity to scare them off....The reer yoonis of habar jeclo did the same thing. The representatives of the clan in the diaspora wrote a long letter to Tony Hayward and Genel, listing their demands that must be met before any seismic surveys can be done. Majority of the demands were environmental concerns post extraction


Yeah, I know people who were working with DNO. The geel jire didn't shoot at them,but around their vicinity to scare them off....The reer yoonis of habar jeclo did the same thing. The representatives of the clan in the diaspora wrote a long letter to Tony Hayward and Genel, listing their demands that must be met before any seismic surveys can be done. Majority of the demands were environmental concerns post extraction

Its legitimate for natives to voice their concerns. This is not like Ethiopia where government and big foreign companies can uproot natives so
they can take their land, everyone is armed in Somaliland.
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