DDSI Investment Forum


Sharciga cusub somalida waa qof walbo gurigisa hasoo hagaajiyo, it's the law of the land. I hope @Dalalos_ibn_Adali can see DDS/PL people have far more capacity to rule JL and we can end the constant 'famine' in gedo which is done by 'sade' politics being out of date. U need advisors to realize PL/JL waa heeshish siyaasadeed oo federal allies, plus we got the mucarads on-board threaatening a 4 month war which the international community will tell you to accept DENI/Madoobe demands fully since deni/madoobe waa alliance ku saabsan siyasad guud, taadi waa alliance of convenience of 4 years outlook and pl/jl agreement is 99 years and will be handed down to all 'generation x-y-mellenials' as 'dhaxal'