Arduino Temperature Sensor and time

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <FlexiTimer2.h> // Contains FlexiTimer2 Library
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);
int tempPin = 0; // define the pin of temperature sensor
float tempVal; // define a variable to store temperature value
int hour, minute, second; // define variables stored record time
void setup() {
lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd
lcd.backlight(); // Turn on backlight
startingAnimation(); // display a dynamic start screen
FlexiTimer2::set(1000, timerInt); // configure the timer and interrupt function
FlexiTimer2::start(); // start timer
Serial.begin(115200); // initialize serial port with baud rate 9600
Serial.println("Input hour,minute,second to set time.");
void loop() {
// Get temperature
tempVal = getTemp();
if (second >= 60) { // when seconds is equal to 60, minutes plus 1
second = 0;
if (minute >= 60) { // when minutes is equal to 60, hours plus 1
minute = 0;
if (hour >= 24) { // when hours is equal to 24, hours turn to zero
hour = 0;
lcdDisplay(); // display temperature and time information on LCD
void startingAnimation() {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
// the timer interrupt function of FlexiTimer2 is executed every 1s
void timerInt() {
second++; // second plus 1
// serial port interrupt function
void serialEvent() {
int inInt[3]; // define an array to save the received serial data
while (Serial.available()) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
inInt = Serial.parseInt(); // receive 3 integer data


[TD] }[/TD]

[TD] // print the received data for confirmation[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print("Your input is: ");[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(inInt[0]);[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(", ");[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(inInt[1]);[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(", ");[/TD]

[TD] Serial.println(inInt[2]);[/TD]

[TD] // use received data to adjust time[/TD]

[TD] hour = inInt[0];[/TD]

[TD] minute = inInt[1];[/TD]

[TD] second = inInt[2];[/TD]

[TD] // print the modified time[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print("Time now is: ");[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(hour / 10);[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(hour % 10);[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(':');[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(minute / 10);[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(minute % 10);[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(':');[/TD]

[TD] Serial.print(second / 10);[/TD]

[TD] Serial.println(second % 10);[/TD]

[TD] }[/TD]


[TD]// function used by LCD1602 to display time and temperature[/TD]

[TD]void lcdDisplay() {[/TD]

[TD] lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set the cursor to (0,0) (first column,first row).[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print("TEMP: "); // display temperature information[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(tempVal);[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print("C");[/TD]

[TD] lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // set the cursor to (0,1) (first column,second row)[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print("TIME: "); // display time information[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(hour / 10);[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(hour % 10);[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(':');[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(minute / 10);[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(minute % 10);[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(':');[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(second / 10);[/TD]

[TD] lcd.print(second % 10);[/TD]


[TD]// function used to get temperature[/TD]

[TD]float getTemp() {[/TD]

[TD] // Convert analog value of tempPin into digital value[/TD]

[TD] int adcVal = analogRead(tempPin);[/TD]

[TD] // Calculate voltage[/TD]

[TD] float v = adcVal * 5.0 / 1024;[/TD]

[TD] // Calculate resistance value of thermistor[/TD]

[TD] float Rt = 10 * v / (5 - v);[/TD]

[TD] // Calculate temperature (Kelvin)[/TD]

[TD] float tempK = 1 / (log(Rt / 10) / 3950 + 1 / (273.15 + 25));[/TD]

[TD] // Calculate temperature (Celsius)[/TD]

[TD] return tempK - 273.15;[/TD]



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