Africa's old generation needs to die out!!!

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Lets discuss the elephant in the room! the main reason for africa's constant economic stagnation is due to the greedy selfish politicians from the older generation selling out either our resources, ports or allowing military bases to be built by foreign countries in our lands. The endeavour to sell all of our resources for free when we have the most resource rich continent and they are content with keeping the masses poor and uneducated so that they can remain in power forever and build up their own family's wealth while the rest of the country starves.

This time round in 20 yrs time we will see what these so called pan african nationalist youth have to offer. Will they succumb to the corruption trap that caused the earlier generation to fail or will they rise up and tell the world that our continent is not for sale? I see it every where emboldened and non black hating bantu and Madows and prideful young somalis who each hate the outcome of the previous generation's screw up but i've yet to see africa youth forming conferences and clubs to discuss the issues faced by our continent. I've not even seen a group of somalis get together and discuss how they plan to fix the old generation's mess. I'm aware that some on here don't even agree with going back but lets be honest whitey's getting fed up the arabs are buildign colonies here and will continue to breed at their own pace (more power to them) and we will be faced with a decision to make either way. Until that time comes most africans are all talk! they discuss things on sites like this and lipstick alley and make youtube rant's on youtube and yet we still can't even find common ground with our own country men yet alone with the rest of the continent. We don't have to like each other as West or East africans but we must admit one thing when shit hits the fan we were unprepared before and we are still not prepared for what the future holds. At least north africans can run back to arabia and most muslim or not don't give a shit about sub saharan africa. We need to discuss the future and stop avoiding it! We need to stop doing business with countries that don't want to see us progress. If a country is claiming to help you and 3oyrs later you are not at least a 2nd world country then they aren't really helping you. Look at japan and how the usa helped to build it up after WW2! wise up and realise that these western countries don't want to help us and that's one of the plethora of reasons why we will remain poor.Until we start choosing other more honest trading partners they will happily watch us roll around in the dirt.

Again!! i'm not just blaming western nations for africa's issues! they are just taking advantage of our inability to get along with each other at least enough to trade resources amongst ourselves. The main culprits are the corrupt politicians that are lining their own pockets and not using taxes to build infrastructure and educational facilities.
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