2 Key Elders Missing From Puntland

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No wonder it's a mess in SSC. Look at the guys who signed in the 'dhulbahante' MPS in Puntland. They are not the ancient traditional elders at all but qof la soo qortay, I checked their background through google they control noone wallahi, wa qof xafadaha garowe laga soo qortay. Waxaa PL ka maqan the 2 Garaads of Baharsame and Jamac siyad, especially the garaad of baharsame. My father said these niggas only have 3 garaads. Maxamud Garaad, Farah Garaad, and he said another one I forgot. But he said Garad Jamac of Baharsame are the most important one.

They are not here and they are not part of Puntland should worry all puntites. @Libaaxa cayn please explain why the garaad of dhulbahante the genuine ones are not signing the mp's in puntland? this is quite scary stuff.

Baharsame Garaad and is the key one who needs to return. The other Garaad will follow as he is hostage to him.


Garaad Jamac Garad Ismacil. He is Jamac Siyad. He isn't as important as the other one and will swing where-ever the other ones goes.
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My dad said untill those 3 famous and ancient garaads show up of dhulbahante(maxamud garaad, farah garaad, and another) dhulbahante ma joggo puntland, waxaa joggo dad layska magacabay kow dheh.


My dad said garad jamac is like boqor osman to them, where-as maxamud garaad are like omar mahmoud(tirada dhinacisa and even one of them is missing jamac siyad), and there was another he mentioned i forgot tho. What a mess imagine osman mahmoud left puntland that's how much of an impact it is inside their clans, then imagine reer hersij(jamac siyad) joining osman mahmoud in revolt, dividing omar mahmouds up that's like how maxamud garaad are with ugaryahan like reer mahad still loyal to puntland. Plus he said there is an ISIM from Hawd side also and their not even united.

As far as my father is concerned dhulbahante ma joggo puntland ee waxaa joggo shaqaale la soo qortay keliya.

You see the mess now? @Libaaxa cayn wtf is going on within your clan waryaa? how can u be so disunited like this?


All those silly elders for dhulbahante in Puntland are joke. We must remove them from our constitution as we don't have the REAL deal dhulbahante. What a shame wallahi. Imagine we had reer khalf elder, reer abdulle elder and abdi isse but there was no islaan of reer mahad in Puntland? waxba ma tarayso ma fahamtay waa laysku been sheegaya markas in omar mahmoud joggo haday reer mahad iyo islankooda joggin?

That's all those elders you see from dhulbahante in puntland are. The real deal aint there like garad of baharsame who is at the boqor level among the dhulbahante


Odaygasi intu ka nool yahay ali khalif my father said dhulbahante ma joggo puntland, isaga ka masul ah dhibaatada oo dhan markeedi hore illa 98ki oo aanu rabin puntland iyo isimkisa iyo beeshisha ayuu ka dhadhiciyay waxasi and their basically just now going around collecting all dhulbahantes to join them. My dad called ali khalif inkaar gabahasi muu naga dhinto, fa'ido uu dhulbahante uu gabtay lama haayo weligeed. Necebku majerten uu gabo wuxu uu galay id00r iyo kala goyn somalia, my dad hates him.

My dad said la gartay haday majerten qaranka iyo midnimada somalia hadu ku xad-gudbayo sidi waagi ssdf ileen dhulbahante rag badan ayaa ugu dhintay arimahasi midnimada somaliya, lakin kuma xad-gudbayno welina id00r buu u galaya. No excuse for ali khalif behavior and politics but pure majerten hatred at the heart level. He is only known for harming his clans-men like you see today so he can bring them all under baharsame and meeshu aadayo ee somaliland.
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