12 year anniversary since Ethiopian/Puntland invasion of South Somalia

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They invited Ethiopia to kill innocent civilians in South Somalia in 2006 to settle scores with Hawiye. They invited AMISOM troops as an occupying force, starting with Ethiopia to subjugate South Somalia. In 2006 Ethiopian and Puntland troops were on one side. The non MJ population of South Somalia was on the other side. They fought the bloodiest battle for Mogadishu.

Ethiopian troops committed war crimes in South Somalia [at the behest of Abdulahi Yusuf government]

Amnesty International on Tuesday accused Ethiopian troops [with the blessing of the Somali government] in South Somalia of killing civilians and committing atrocities, including slitting people's throats, gouging out eyes and gang-raping women.

In a new report, the human rights group, which is based in London, detailed chilling witness accounts of indiscriminate killings in Somalia and called on the international community to stop the bloodshed. The Ethiopian government said the report was unbalanced and "categorically wrong."

Amnesty said about 6,000 civilians had been reported killed and more than 600,000 had been forced to flee their homes in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, last year.

"The people of South Somalia are being killed, raped, tortured. Looting is widespread and entire neighborhoods are being destroyed," Michelle Kagari, the Amnesty deputy director for Africa, said in a statement from Nairobi that accompanied the report.​
Here is more evidence:

After the start of the new phase of the War in Somalia on 21 December 2006, the TFG, with the help of Ethiopian forces, wrested control of the southern part of the country and the capital, Mogadishu, from the hands of the Islamic Courts Union. By 28 December, the Transitional Federal Government had captured Mogadishu as the ICU forces fled.

On 8 January 2007, as the Battle of Ras Kamboni raged, TFG President Ahmed entered Mogadishu for the first time since being elected to office. It was announced that the government would relocate to Villa Somalia in the capital from its interim location in Baidoa. This marked the first time since the fall of the Siad Barre regime in 1991 that a Somali government controlled most of the country.​
Here is a letter direct from the Ethiopians

Somalia asked us to save them: Hardline ideologists were introducing a tyrannical regime. Ethiopia had to act, says Berhanu Kebede

Stating that Ethiopia went to Somalia "at the 'invitation' of Somalia's interim national government". The TFG welcomed Ethiopia's intervention. Ethiopia is cooperating with the TFG at the latter's invitation, a fact fully recognised by the international community.​

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Puntland must be extremely powerful to control other countries foreign policy. No the truth is Ethiopia invaded with the tacit approval of the US State department to fight the ICU and its more extreme militant factions such as Al shabaab. It was revealed in the Wikileaks cables.
Puntland must be extremely powerful to control other countries foreign policy. No the truth is Ethiopia invaded with the tacit approval of the US State department to fight the ICU and its more extreme militant factions such as Al shabaab. It was revealed in the Wikileaks cables.

Bollocks. Abdulahi Yusuf invited them. He also brought Puntland troops to support him. Before the Ethiopian troops' support he couldnt even enter Mogadishu

On 8 January 2007, as the Battle of Ras Kamboni raged, TFG President entered Mogadishu for the first time since being elected to office. It was announced that the government would relocate to Villa Somalia in the capital from its interim location in Baidoa. This marked the first time since the fall of the Siad Barre regime in 1991 that a Somali government controlled most of the country.​
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